Reciprocal altruism
Dee is distraught over a recent breakup of a romantic relationship and calls Rowan for support. Despite having a term paper due the next day, Rowan wants to console Dee and so rushes to Dee's house, because Rowan knows Dee would do the same were their situations reversed. This is an example of <u>reciprocal altruism</u>.
Reciprocal altruism is an idea in psychology that individuals are motivated to help their friends of family members due to an expectation that they will also be helpful to you at a later time. It is the idea that when an individual performs an altruistic act, he or she will get same in return. The action of Rowan is an example of reciprocal altruism.
<u>Norms provide members with cues about how to behave.</u>
<u>Norms: </u>IN psychology, the term "norm" is referred to as unwritten yet understood limitations or rules of a particular culture or society for the different behaviors that are being considered as expected and acceptable.
<u>Norms </u>are considered as fundamental concepts in the area of "social science". Norms can either be prescriptive (to encourage positive behavior) or proscriptive (to encourage negative behavior).
<u>In the question above, the given statement signifies "Norms provide members with cues about how to behave".</u>
Amygdala is the part of the brain. It is a very important part of the brain that is integrated with emotions, behavior, and motivation. It is an almond-shaped structure that lies in the brain. In a person, there are normally two amygdala presented. It has been considered that it is the part of the limb system that is responsible for the instincts and memory. It is responsible for the perception of anger, anxiety emotions, sadness, and control of aggression.
Thus in the above context amygdala is the part of the brain that involves emotions such as aggression, anxiety, and high order thinking.
In order to control the nuclear program of Iran, many countries put economic restrictions between them and Iran. This strategy is called sanctions.
In a command economy, production is driven primarily by D) government production quotas. In a command economy, the government takes the decisions for production and investment. It is usually done by the government or a central authority. A planned economy may contain state-owned enterprises and some of the production is regarded as publicly owned.