With what ? Let me know if you need anything.
1. To Graze or B
2. To Beseech or D
3. Haughty or D
4. Obvious or A
5. To Face or C
Adjective Phrase: of the children
Modified Noun: voices
An adjective phrase is a group of words that describes a noun or a pronoun in a particular sentence. This phrase can be placed both before and after the noun it describes.
Adjective phrases usually contain adjective(s), but there are some exceptions. In some cases, a preposition (as in this case) or an adverb can be used to modify the noun. In this sentence, the adjective phrase<em> ''of the children''</em> points back to the noun<em> ''voices.'' </em>The modified noun is, therefore, <em>''voices''.</em>
It took a strong leader, a person who believed in peace and justice, to win more freedom for black Americans. Martin Luther King<span>, Jr. was that man. Between 1955 and 1968, </span>Martin Luther King<span>, Jr. helped change America. He brought to the world's attention how unfairly blacks were treated.</span>
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