California with 55, Texas with 38, New York and Florida with both 29, then Illinois and pennsylvania both have 20.
Runs a democracy and keeps it free-- in a democracy people must participate to be a democracy.
Civic participation is vital to a democracy by the definition of it being a country in which the people's voice is a major part of the government. If people do not use their power to participate then a democracy is at risk of becoming a tyrannical government run by the elite or the military. The freedoms of the people are dependent upon continued participation.
Conceived as "Three Days of Peace and Music," Woodstock was a product of a partnership between John Roberts, Joel Rosenman, Artie Kornfield and Michael Lang. Their idea was to make enough money from the event to build a recording studio near the arty New York town of Woodstock
The American System promised to help our industries obtain raw materials. I believe this is the correct answer. I was born and raised in the South and still live in the same place in Kentucky. so I loved this question.
B. They point to continuing debate over the Second Amendment.
C. They refer to rights of the accused guaranteed in the Sixth