The United States would be very different if we still lived under the Articles of Confederation. Here are a couple examples
1) There would be no such thing as a federal income tax.- According to the Articles of Confederation, the federal government cannot tax citizens. This would greatly reduce the power of the federal government.
2) There would be no president- The Articles of Confederation did not have an executive branch, meaning there was no president under this constitution.
There are some ideas from the Articles of Confederation. This includes the ability of Congress to declare war. This is an important part of our society today, as it checks the power of the president and ensures that a majority of elected officials in the federal government want to go to war.
It parallels the work done by civilians with the efforts of soldiers.
The poster shows that civilians' work is as important as the battle efforts of soliders. This is why the working man is shown beside the soldier, with a riveting gun being the civilian analogy of the rifle gun.
In World War I, the effects of the industiral revolution were fully felt, and the efforts of workers in factories were crucial for the victory. It was a war based on industrial power because it required large numbers of powerful and sophisticated equipment that was fabricated in the factories.
The shogunate was never liked or agreed with the kabuki and all the shame it brought, particularly the variety of the social classes which mixed at kabuki performances.
The Kabuki dance was banned because it was thought to be too erotic. Young boys also performed wakashū-kabuki, but they were eligible for prostitution, and soon banned wakashū-kabuki as well.
Kabuki switched to adult male actors, which were cross dressers, called yaro-kabuki, in the mid-1600s.
No real solution
The equation is not set equal to anything, so it can be no real solution
Biological determinism is a canard that has repeatedly been explained away by evolutionary informed scientists since time immemorial. Humans are an inextricable mix of their genes and their environments. As a matter of fact, genes get turned on or off as a function of environmental inputs. Evolutionary-based cognitive computational systems take information from the environment to get activated. Natural selection itself, the foundational mechanism of evolution, is shaped by the selective forces within a specific environment. Hence, there is no such thing as biological determinism.