La agricultura afecta la biodiversidad ya que necesita espacio y productos químicos. Explicación: La agricultura requiere espacio, por lo que en primer lugar contribuye a la pérdida de hábitat de muchas especies de plantas y animales que ya estaban presentes allí. Luego se siembran semillas para que crezcan las plantas deseadas.
If all three lines are parallel, there are zero points of intersection. If all three lines go through a point, there is one point of intersection. If two lines are parallel and the third one crosses them, there are two. If the three lines make a triangle, there are three points. N<span>ot unless they're collinear, in which case they intersect an infinite number of times.</span>
Monaco, Singapore, and Vatican are all examples of city-states. While this type of state was very common in the past, nowadays it is only these three states that officially fall into this category. Monaco is located in Europe, on the Azure coastline. Vatican is also located in Europe, in the central part of the Italian capital Rome. Singapore is located in Asia, connecting the continental and island parts of Southeast Asia. All three are very powerful economically, with Vatican also having big religious and political power, and Singapore being one of the economic leaders in its region.
I believe the correct answer would be the Great Lakes!
Hope This Helps <3
Law of conservation states that matter is neither created or destroyed.
So what do you think?