The Gradient channel is the river's ability to erode, transport, and deposit load as the upper course of a river is linked with the steep gradient thus lots of velocity and energy are needed for the erosion and transportation to take place.
Movement of discharge is also an important factor in the river carrying capacity determined by the flow of gravity. As the middle and upper courses of the river have higher courses of water since they have upstream tributary than lower thus resulting in more energy to transport.
The velocity of the river is its speed to erode, which is the key to the stream have a higher carrying and eroding capacity when it's young as compared to that of the older stream's. Such as a river that is filled with pollutants or is contaminated has less load-carrying capacity.
The river has various tools it uses to break and deposit a load of contents at the downward side of the stream where water is less dense. As compared to the river that is denser.