The implementation of the assembly line by Henry Ford at his automobile plants was extremely important. It was important because it drastically reduced the amount of time it took to produce a Ford car. Since it took less time and effort to make the car, the price of Ford's dropped significantly. This drop in price made Ford cars more available to the American public, increasing the amount of people who owned cars in the US during the 1920's.
The development of the assembly line changed everyday life for Americans in multiple ways. First, traveling became much easier as cars were now available to more Americans. Along with this, the assembly line would be a method used by thousands of other companies all across the US. This made it so that workers would need to be able to complete one repeatable task throughout the entire day.
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Serfs were the laborers of lowest levels in many zones of medieval Europe, however, in some, there were slaves, who were at a lower level. Serfs were not slaves but rather were not allowed to leave the land where they worked.
Their commitment with their medieval master was shared; he had commitments to them, to give a place and ensure them, similarly as they had commitments to him, to give a piece of the product, or later, cash for lease. Serfs couldn't be purchased or sold.
They had a place with the land, not the ruler. In the event that the master sold the land, they ran with it. The new proprietor did not have the alternative of moving them off the land.
The National Government had more power under the Articles of Confederation.
The Declared War
Appointed Military
Make Alliances
Mange the Indians