<u>he was the first person to produce a commercial printer;</u>
it is important to note that prior to his invention, written publications weren't available. In about 1453 Johannes Gutenberg's invention allowed for books to be printed using movable type ffor the first time; such as his own Bible translation called the Gutenberg Bible.
Net Skeptics (those not in support of internet publishing) would be a fan of Gutenberg since they prefer hard copy books than digital formats and because he brought about the mass distribution of written literture.
The correct answers are 1, 3 and 4. Charles Darwin's work introduced a new focus on Realism, inspired Naturalism in art and ushered in Impressionism. Naturalistic writers and artists were inspired by the evolution theory of Charles Darwin. Naturalism was developed as a new branch of Realism. Its basic theory is that one's heredity and social environment determine one's character and influence the action of its subjects. Naturalism was a novel and stricter realism. Degas, Monet and Cezanne, three of the most important impressionist artists, were deeply influenced by the Darwinian theories.
The place(s) where events take place