Attributional style
Your attributional style is the way you explain a negative event to yourself, it includes the conclusions you draw from a negative event and the meaning you give to it.
Abigail was intelligent and a good athlete, but she believes that her low grades in school and losing the quarter-mile racing record are reflections of her own intellectual and athletic incompetence, this illustrate her ATTRIBUTIONAL STYLE.
Abigail attributed her failure to her incompetence.
A pessimistic attributional style assumes that others or the self are to blame for bad things as opposed to let's say circumstances.
<span>Biofeedback is a mind–body technique in which individuals learn how to modify their physiology for the purpose of improving physical, mental and emotional well being. The patient is</span><span> connected to electrical sensors that help you receive information (feedback) about his/her body (bio).</span>
<span>In "biofeedback" an individual learns to control stress responses by being connected to an electric charge.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psyhoctherapy treatment in which it changes the beliefs and also, the actions or behavior of the individual. So Beck must have been practicing the cognitive behavioral therapy in which she attempts to change her thoughts, beliefs and also, her behaviors.
Yes, if our nation is rich in resources that it can be developed because resources are required to fulfill necessities as well as to earn money by exporting it. Resources are used for making new products that can be sold in the international market and in return money can be earned which increases the purchasing power of the country and also increases its foreign reserves. Those countries having lower imports and higher exports will developed very quickly.
The only thing I can think of is weather, like wind speed or the location, hostiles intercepting