1. Get to Know Your Students.
2. Maintain Consistent Communication.
3. Acknowledge and Respect Every Student.
4. Practice Cultural Sensitivity.
5. Incorporate Diversity in the Lesson Plan.
6. Give Students Freedom and Flexibility.
Answer: A. Their cultural significance to humans
Explanation: Natural resources are popularly regarded as resources which exists by nature. Natural resources may be considered as resources which occurs without the actions or work of human. They may include sunlight, rain, wildlife natural resources beneath the surface gold, crude oil, diamond and so on.
There are variations in the distribution of natural resources from a geographic location or region to another as can be observed in the seasonal weather pattern, wildlife features and mineral resources available in the different regions of the world.
Protection of natural resources helps in maintaining a healthy and profitable environment. Most importantly it helps maintain our cultural value by helping us understand our past.
The American Revolution was between April 19,1775 to September 3,1783
The Battle of Gettysburg is the most bloody battle during the Civil War in the United States, which occurred July 1–3, 1863 in the Adams County of Pennsylvania and is considered a watershed in the conflict. The Potomac Army of the Union withstood the attack of General Lee's North Virginia Army and inflicted damage on it, which made the continuation of the Gettysburg Campaign impossible.
In the three days of fighting, the North Virginia Army lost more than 20,000 people. Under Gettysburg, the Confederate generals died: Barksdale, Sems, Garnett, Armistead, Avery, Pender, Pettigrew and Marshall. Hood, Lawrence, Jones, Robertson and Anderson were injured. Captured by Camper, Archer and Fry.