This simulation will be done using Python programming language
# Program is written in Python
# Comments are used for explanatory purpose
# Program starts here
stringtocheck = open('PrideAndPrejudice.txt', encoding='utf-8').
#Split words
splitwords = np.array(string.split())
In []:
# Initialise trial simulation to 10000 in test variable
test = 10000
# Initialise diff to 0
diff = 0
# iterate for possible words in PrideAndPrejudice
for i in np.arange(test):
# search for 2 words
words = np.random.choice(splitwords, 2)
#implement the condition in hint above
iflen(words.item(0)) != len(words.item(1)) != len(words.item(2)) != len(words.item(0)):
#calcuate result
diff = diff + 1
num_different = diff/test
Betty friedan developed a critique of womens role as a "domestic goddes" in the feminine mystique