I'm not sure about the first one but,
Philip Hamilton was killed in a duel by George I. Eacker.
Hamilton did not want to die because he and Burr were dueling in the same place Philip had died, and he did not want to leave behind the rest of his family, including his wife Eliza.
There's a lot of this info in the second act of the Hamilton Musical Soundtrack, if you need more help.
The primary goal of the European Union is to reduce the possibility of discord between the European nations, which have a long history of conflict, but uniting their economic and social goals--in the hopes that choosing conflict over cooperation would not be in anyone's best interest.
Answer: The unobservable market force that helps the demand and supply of goods in a free market to reach equilibrium automatically is the invisible hand. ... He assumed that an economy can work well in a free market scenario where everyone will work for his/her own interest.
Jourdan<span> Anderson was </span>living in Ohio<span> at the time, free and with a decent (in his opinion) job. </span>Do<span> read the whole thing, especially the punchline
Constituían una sociedad secreta con connotaciones políticas, practicantes de artes marciales. Su objetivo era expulsar a los extranjeros de China. En 1899 emprendieron una campaña de terror por el norte del país que, inicialmente, se dirigió contra misioneros cristianos.