He rejected the suggestion of dividing Germany into several smaller states and arresting and executing anyone accused of guerrilla crimes, without the right to a trial.
oh okay???
if I was able to take over the moon...I would make it so humans can safely go on the moon and case the world is about to explode or a big huge asteroid hits Earth or something like that. and or I would probably do nothing with it. because to be honest I care about our world and I would do everything I can to protect it and ones outside of Earth. because space is a scary place. that can destroy Earth in a Split Second. so basically what I'm saying is if I was able to take over the moon out just protect it. :)
the president elect who later will not become president until january when the president elect is annogerated
Unit 2 Absolutism and Revolution Lesson 5: The French Revolution
1.) D, the third estate wanted political and social reform
2.) A, a limited monarchy
3.) B, it put into practice ideals of the enlightenment
4.) C, they were imprisoned and sometimes executed
5.) A, the committee of public safety had absolute power
6.) B, natural rights
7.) A, it challenged the kings authority
8.) B, the Declaration of Independence
9.) B, it was a model for the french constitution of 1791
10.) D, to spread the revolution and destroy other monarchies
11.) C, a five man directorate with a two house elected legislature
12.) B, to include women in public offices