A. lower; lower
Let me simplify my explanation by stating the general rule of risk and return that "the higher the risk, the higher the return". So in this question, the lower the project portfolio risk, the lower the correlation in project returns over time.
Benjamin Franklin was the individual who personified the enlightenment in America.
शिक्षा ले हामीलाई उच्च भविष्य हासिल गर्न।
इज्जत , मान प्रतिष्ठा हासिल गर्न।
जीवन मा असल मार्ग मा हिँड्न र आरामदायक जीवन पाउन।
अन्धकारमय जिन्दगी लाई उज्यालो प्रकाश छर्न।
आदि गर्न सहयोग गर्छ।
Universality argument
The term universality is the school of thought that universal facts exist and can be progressively discovered or revealed, in contrast to relativism. In certain theologies, universalism is the quality attributed to an entity whose subsistence is constant throughout the universe, and whose being is autonomous of and unconstrained by the things happening and conditions that make up the universe, such as physical locality and entropy.
Logically, or in consideration of compelling arguments, a suggestion is said to have universality if it can be considered as being true in all possible contexts with no room for creating a contradiction.
Give constructive notice to the world of the interest in a particular parcel of property the instrument purports to create.
Explanation: This is one of the regulations regarding real estate in most parts of the world, the main reason for recording the instruments affecting real estate is to give effective notice to everyone of the interest or information a particular parcel of land wants to create, this ensures that all actions or transactions regarding that land must be done in accordance with the relevant regulations existing in that Country.