Do you have any choices??
Explanation: To provide more personality into the characters that are speaking.
By challenging your negative self-beliefs
Things to fix (mostly syntax):
- Cool right. -> Cool, right? (as a question)
1, 2, 3 and 5
The correct ones are 1, 2, 3 and 5
1 -He used this phrase in order to inspire listeners to do something about those situation.
2 -He demanded action from black and white people as well. That segregation and discrimination should stop. But It is important to clarify that he was referring to non-violence action.
3- To explain racial differences. Because he said "we" referring to Negroes. Also, he explained all the terrible things that only black people suffered.
5- Martin Luther King did not lie about Negroes situation in those times. He told the atrocities and cruelties they suffered.