The answer is "Option D".
OLAP reports stands for Online Analytical Processing reports, These reports provide a platform that behind many application use in Business Intelligence. and other options are incorrect that can be described as follows:
- In option A, It is used to store the data into the OLAP report, that's why it is not correct.
- In option B, It is software that is used for analytics data, that's why it is not correct.
- In option C, It is used for finding index values in the 2D array that's why it is not correct.
Computer keyboard,Microphone,Image scanner,Touchscreen,light pen
sorry that all device i know
WordArt fill in the interior of a letter can consist of a solid color, texture, picture, or gradient.
The difference between entry condition loop is and exit - condition loop is that the entry condition loops first checks the condition to enter the loop body if the condition true then the loop body is executed otherwise loop body is not executed while the exit-condition loops first executes the loop body and then the condition for the loop is checked.
There are three loops in C that are as following:-
- For
- While
- Do While
Among these three loops While and For loops are entry condition loops and Do While loop is exit condition loop.
For example:-
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
printf("%s","John Doe\n");
If the initial value of i should have been 10 then loop body didn't had executed.
int i=0;
printf("%s","John Doe\n");
If you try to run this while loop nothing will print on the screen because the condition is false.So the compiler will not enter the loop body and will skip over it.
int i=5;
printf("%s","John Doe\n");
Even if the condition is false.You will see that the John doe have been printed one time on the screen because first the body is executed then the condition is checked.