twos complement value is (-2^15 -1) -32768 to 32767.
excess notation value is -32768 to 32767.
unsigned binary value is (2^16) 0 to 65535
Excess notation: used to represent signed integers. Always uses fixed number of bits with leftmost representing the sign.
Twos complement notation: As opposed to excess notation, a sign bit of 0 is used to represent the non-negative (+) sign and a 1 for the negative (-); again, zero is included in the non-negative set.
Unsigned Binary values: are binary values/bits that don't have signs
In the ISO/IEC 27002 framework, Cryptography describes the use and controls related to encryption, to help an organization implement, maintain, and improve its information security management.
Answer: Redirection symbol
Explanation: Redirection symbol/operator is the special operator that is used in programs along with commands. The operators that are generally used are ">",">>","I" and "<". These commands are given in the section of the DOS commands and other command prompt sections. This is the process where the changes in input feed and output is analyzed and read through these commands.
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