Martinus Angelius (male) - suitable for a latin character
Lora Shale (female)
Andrey Loan (male)
Clara, the Inventor (female)
Josh, the Mage (male)
Lucy Mair (female)
Ken Read (male)
Lena van Min (female) - suitable for a germanic character
Hans, der Mächtige (male) - suitable for a germanic character
Isabella, la Bella (female) - suitbale for a spanish character
Kyojin Einosuke (male - Einosuke, the Giant) - suitable for a asian character
Other story-features you could add:
The Creeds - suitable for a famous family
Mount Six - suitable for a frightening and high mountain
Black-lake valley - suitable for a deadly place
Ivory grassland - suitable for a magical grassland
Zack's palace - suitable for giant palace
Crying wood - suitable for magical tree with healing properties
I have made both male and female characters so you have enought options to choose form. I based my names on many different fantastic "ame-types" such as knights, emperors, queens and kings, mages/wizards, detectives, etc.
I also added names for places and other stuff that might be useful to make the story more entertaining.
Hope it helped,