An interest group hires lobbyists to help persuade people and lawmakers into making a difference in the community, state, or nationwide. Hope this answer helps:)
Many experts believe that all humans can be traced back to the continent of Africa, since migratory patters can be found from fossil evidence that then spread through Europe and Asia.
The correct answer is "A: The Tsar of Russia".
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, between the winning powers of the First World War during the Paris Peace Conference as an effort to bring economic and political stability to Europe after the conflict.
Among the country's who signed the treaty were:
- The United States
- The British Empire
- France
- Italy
- Japan
Russia had no place in the negotiations.
the emancipation proclamation
The movement, coined “manifest destiny” in the mid-1840s, justified expansion with a sense of mission and purpose, viewing American expansion as inevitable, just, and divinely foreordained.