when japen bomed proler harber and damage our navey fleet and enland and france wanted our help
The Code of Hammurabi was one of the first legislative compilations of the civilized world, coming from Mesopotamia around the year 1700 BC.
This Code laid the foundations of social coexistence in Mesopotamian cities, basing its legislation on the Talion Law, by which all action required a consequence of a similar or identical nature to the contrary. Thus, there was the first documented case of retributive justice, in which people received consequences according to the actions they took.
This principle, synthesized in the phrase "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", laid the foundations of what we now know as justice, since it gave each action a logical result. Thus, today governments apply a commutative and corrective justice evolved from this ancient way of imparting justice, but continuing with the conception that every action has a necessary consequence.
In 1935 Hitler had 2 laws passed that accomplished the following.
- Jews were deprived of their German citizenship and
- German purity (blood) was protected by forbidding Jews from Marrying German Citizens. Any sexual relations between the races was also prohibited.
- These two laws were the Nuremberg Laws.
The Holocaust was the attempt by Hitler and the German Nazi Party to murder every Jew (in the world if they got that far) but certainly in Europe. They diminished the Jewish population in Europe by 1/2 killing 6 million of them -- a number I find incomprehensible and an act even more incomprehensible.
I urge you to search out the word Holocaust. The German Holocaust was not the only one. There were quite a few even after world war II. You would think that the one in Europe would have been enough. It certainly wasn't.