Are you asking what influence have Greek had on Rome?
1) All revelation from God incomplete
2)intuitive understanding conscience
3)depends on illumination interpretation
4)God-breathed theopneustos
5 ) a formal defense apologetic
6)no error inerrancy
7 )natural revelation validity
8 )study of the Bible itself Biblioligy
9 )Old Testament appearance of Christ theophany
10)truth or soundness perfect
Answer: the ability of the witness to explain the probability that no other person, except an identical twin has the same DNA type as that discovered at the crime scene.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) can be obtained from blood, hair, and many biological materials.
DNA evidence is one of the most secure methods applied to criminal cases, even for offenses from before the advancements in DNA-testing technology.
However, identical twins share the same DNA, so their DNA is not useful as evidence of a crime, nor a paternity test.
Sociologist defines status as a position of an individual occupies in a particular context. Generally speaking, there are two types of status that are achieved status and ascribed status. While ascribed status is the status which is not earned but people born with it like sex, race, etc, on the other hand, achieved status refers to the status acquired by an individual through personal abilities and skills.