Are you solving for y or x?
Scarcity as an economic concept "... refers to the basic fact of life that there exists only a finite amount of human and nonhuman resources which the best technical knowledge is capable of using to produce only limited maximum amounts of each economic good ... ."[1] If the conditions of scarcity didn't exist and an "infinite amount of every good could be produced or human wants fully satisfied ... there would be no economic goods, i.e. goods that are relatively scarce...
Hey are all living glad to help
One reason factory owners employed children because they were significantly cheaper than hiring an adult. "the child is paired one shilling or one shilling and six pence". This shows that it's more cost efficient to hire a child.
Another reason factory owners employed children because of their size. Here is a quote to support this "The smallest child in the factories were scavengers they go under the machine". This shows that if the child is smaller they can do more dangerous jobs than an adult.