B. Develop internal transportation systems
C. Acquire western lands through manifest destiny
Culture comes from the way people decide to do things. A given race decides to worship a certain way, dress a certain way, and all the other things that are distinctive about one race from another. All these things added together compose the culture of a race.
Nominating federal judges i think let me know if i am wrong
Even though democracy in theory must be something almost completely free of influence, all the influence of the people who have more power in society is still great, and it increases as social inequality grows
In situations where the population is in favor of deconcentrating income and wealth, this will has not found support in the political arena. On the one hand, there are those who insist on denying the problem, stating that the growth of social inequality does not produce adverse effects for society; on the other, there are those who declare that nothing can be done about the matter, since the culprits would be the <u>“market forces”</u>, neutral and impersonal economic mechanisms.