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Victorian Era characteristics: Britain becomes powerful and rich.
Britain becomes industrialised.
Victorian Era characteristics: Architecture, art, and culture.
Improved communication and transport was a distinctive feature.
Victorian era characteristics: Scientific progress.
The “enemies” of the Church in Europe included people who were not Christians. It also included Christians who were labeled heretics, that is, people who challenged the official teachings of the Church or who questioned the pope’s power and authority.
Millions of people, Christian and non-Christian, soldiers and noncombatants lost their lives during the Crusades. In addition to the enormous loss of life, the debt incurred and other economic costs associated with the multiple excursions to the Middle East impacted all levels of society, from individual families and villages, to budding nation-states. The wars also resulted in the destruction of cities and towns that lay in the crusaders’ wake. In his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon refers to the Crusades as an event in which “the lives and labours of millions, which were buried in the East, would have been more profitably employed in the improvement of their native country.”
The Olmecs are one of the oldest civilizations in the world, being considered the first civilization with great influence and power in Mesoamerica. They are believed to have existed in the mid 1200 to 400 BC. There are reports of the existence of the Olmecs in regions close to the Gulf of Mexico, which indicate that this civilization occupied this region for a long time.
The Olmecas had a strong agricultural production, being a society that was able to support itself, thanks to the availability of food and modern agricultural techniques. In addition, the Olmecs were great artists and presented sculptures of high artistic value.
This characteristic greatly influenced the architecture of the city of Teotihuacan, which served as a type of shopping center and featured great architectural works, extremely well constructed and organized, representing real monuments.