Supporters of bimetallism offer three arguments for it: (1) the combination of two metals can provide greater monetary reserves; (2) greater price stability will result from the larger monetary base; and (3) greater ease in the determination and stabilization of exchange rates among countries using gold, silver, or bimetallic standards will result.
Maintain army and a navy, coin money, make treaties with foreign nations and raise taxes
Because they needed to have something to cook with and olive oil is a main thing to start the night off of cooking whatever meal it might be.
Based on what little information that I have read, it is a
debate about what is easier: Voting or
buying a gun? These are very sensitive
issues but there is very little information on how to answer this. Still, what
matters here is that voters do the right thing.
-by setting up government bureaucracies
-through uniform laws and justice systems
-by reducing taxation