1. god glory and gold
2. southern colonies
3. new England colonies
4. plantation
5. the middle colonies
6. England france and spain
7. steps toward repersentive governments
8. it established a form of self government based on social contract
9. Virginia house of burgesses
10. true
11. elect the representative and new laws
12. the plantation system
13. 4.
14. along large bodies of water
15. it was the first successful english colony
16. the passage to america and britain
17. maps of goods and services
18. slavery was a critical part of the economy
19. Atlantic
20. true
Hitler ordered a conquest of the Low Countries to be executed at the shortest possible notice to forestall the French and prevent Allied air power from threatening the vital German Ruhr Area. It would also provide the basis for a longterm air and sea campaign against Britain.
throughpriest is your answer
La Sumeria es una civilizacion que florecio alrededor de 4500-1900 aC