A topic sentence for lord of the flies could be like about the boys going savage, or the way they organize who does what, another one could be how the boys make rules.
a tall upright post, spar, or other structure on a ship or boat, in sailing vessels generally carrying a sail or sails.
a tall upright post, spar, or other structure on a ship or boat, in sailing vessels generally carrying a sail or sails.
By reading the text you'll be able to come up with a answer.
Once upon a time there was a cat.
Everyday the cat would run outside and hunt for prey.
One day, the cat spotted a huge dog that started to chase the cat.
Because of that the cat ran up a tree.
Because of that the dog tried to climb the tree.
Until finally, the dog realized it couldn't.
A word is a SYNONYM for minimize and the influence of Gandhi on the people of India is described below in detail.
Minimize, disparage, denigrate, disparage(verb) beginning to seem less severe; play down. "Don't disparage his influence" Synonyms: calumniate, smear, denigrate, disparage, asperse, besmirch, diminish, defamation, pick at, disgrace, smirch, downplay, minimize, defame, belittle, understate, humiliate.
Gandhiji led a simplistic life. He supported people in need without demanding anything in replacement. He performed an important role in struggling against British control and presenting India as an independent country.