Natural selection leads to evolution because the strongest survive and pass on their genes
Given what we know about the biological mechanisms behind anaerobic exercise, we can confirm that the production of lactate ensures a continuous supply of NAD.
In order for us to undergo any physical exercise, it is imperative that we are able to produce energy within our cells. The energy used by cells is in the form of a molecule by the name of ATP, which is produced primarily through a process known as <em>Glycolysis</em>.
This is relevant given that in order for glycolysis to happen, a key protein is required known as NAD+. Lactate is produced from pyruvate only under anaerobic conditions because these are conditions that lack oxygen which is the only other source of NAD+, therefore, pyruvate must be converted to lactic acid to make it possible to continue glycolysis and the production of ATP.
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To make proteins, DNA transcribes information into RNA in the nucleus. Transcription is like making copies of the information from DNA and applying this information in a new format. The RNA exits the nucleus and travels through the cytoplasm to ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: This is because animals (like humans) have more organelles to store in our bodies than bacteria. This makes sense because without all of our organelles we wouldn't be able to function properly. This is just another one of those form=function things.
Ovaries, Uterus, Testes
Ovaries are what carry the Zygote's (eggs) and the Uterus is where a fertelized grows into a baby. If the egg is not fertilized in a certain amount of time the egg becomes infertile, the body goes through a 3-7 day cycle of menstruation. The Testes are the organs (balls) which carry sperm cells, which will fertilized a healthy egg.