If a researcher is studying on the dosage level of some drugs, He is doing a PHARMACOLOGICAL studies
Pharmacology is simply the study of how drugs interact with the body and how the body responds to the drugs. It is simply the study of what drugs does to a body and what a body does to the same drug. Pharmacology is divided into two parts ; Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetics
Protective eye goggles or glasses and/or face shields
The cardiovascular system is a system of organs that facilitates the circulation of blood to all parts of the body. Blood is required to reach all living cells as the blood carries essential elements for cell life and regulation, such as nutrients, amino acids, electrolytes,oxygen and hormones. The blood also has a role in maintaining body temperature, fighting diseases, maintaining a stable pH and maintaining homeostasis. The blood also carries carbon dioxide away from the cells. The cardiovascular system consists of a network of arteries, veins and capillaries, as well as the heart, which acts to pump blood around the body, Blood leaves the heart via arteries and return via veins. The lymphatic system transports lymph, typically at a much slower rate than blood. The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is not a closed system. The cardiovascular system processes a lot of blood each day through capillary filtration, which separates the blood cells from the plasma. Not all plasma is re-absorbed into the blood vessels, and the lymphatic system is responsible for returning the remaining plasma to the cardiovascular system. <span> </span>
The advantageous proteins that build larger molecules help prolong life life. If there is better survival and reproduction, it is more likely to pass onto the next generation. If it continues to be advantageous, the sequence of them change to support the life of the current species.