The full answer is explained below since it is necessary to reword the text.
Life in Argentina and life in the United States share some similarities but they are not equal. For example, one similarity is that people in both countries have dinner with their families at night. Sometimes we may miss it, but usually we will have it together as Argentinians do. A second similarity of the use of slang. We have our own words that we have come up with like our own code. The are are some other things done everyday in both countries.
On the other hand, one difference is the importance of family. Even though it is important in the United States, Argentinian people develop a very special bond, to the point where they live with most of their family, something uncommon in the U.S. also, we don't have tea hour with our family but, sometimes, a little snack. Another difference is our dinner time: while in Argentina people eat very late, around 20:30 and 23:00, we eat earlier, around 6:00 to 7:00. The weather is also different between Argentina and the U.S. While it is winter in Argentina, ir is summer here. Finally, Argentina is divided differently than the U.S. Argentina is divided into provinces, cities, and regions but the U.S. is divided into states and cities.