"His friends none the wiser, Tom surveryed the results of his white washing" Is this an example of verbal irony or a pun... Answer. Mathematics, 07.04.2020 20:33. Hudson is blocking off several rooms in a hotel for guests coming to his wedding.
To paraphrase is to include the ideas or information from an original source in your paper by rephrasing those ideas or information in your own words .the key to successful paraphrasing is to use as few words as possible from the original text --be mindful not to change the meaning that you are trying to convey as your rephrase---and to cite your paraphrase without proper citation,your paraphrase could be construed as plagiarism......
hUse a dictionary or thesaurus is the right answer i think i hope
Youre Welcome.
A. "The world... will never forget what they did here."
The emotional appeal of this passage is that "they" (probably the Confederates) committed an atrocity so great that the entire world will remember its scope. None of the other passages really do anything to appeal to the audience's emotions for lack of phrases that can do so.