A Fitbit could possibly help. Keeps track of steps and heart rate
Improperly managed agricultural<span> activities contribute to environmental degradation. Two ways are:
1. </span><span>nutrients, pesticides, sediment, and bacteria, or by altering stream flow may impact surface water
2. Deforestation (the removal of forests on the Earth) - causes increase of carbon dioxide and climate change </span>
Yes and no.
Hair loss in cancer patients is typically caused by the cancer treatment, not the disease itself.
Chemotherapy, radiation, and other treatments commonly result in differing degrees of hair loss.
As the drugs destroy cancer cells, they also harm the hair follicles, leading to hair loss.
Short answer:
No, cancer does not cause it, the treatment does.
Quad Stretches i think because, they support his feet if they give out he's gonna fall and he needs to wake them up and make them work out.
What are the answer choices? It could be drug abuse or distracted driving.