I stood against the far wall of the shabby lobby avoiding eye contact with the doorman as my dad checked us in for the night. We
’d hoped to make it as far as Scranton, but the weather had interfered, leaving us instead at an eyesore of a truck-stop motel. My ear buds were jammed in as far as comfort would allow in a vain attempt to block out the motel’s vibe. Still, I could not ignore the looming presence of the doorman. He stood in the dim portico, sweeping and re-sweeping a pile of lint on the floor, watching the parking lot with his watery eyes, and occasionally signaling to the whiskered clerk behind the desk. What technique does the author use to build suspense in the excerpt?
The technique that the author uses to build suspense in the excerpt is odd characters are introduced. This is a technique often used in Gothic literature.