Tell everyone to put there hands up on the seat in front of them or on the dash so the cops can see them and let the cop know how many people are in the car
E arth is shaking,
A ftershocks are terrifying,
R attle of the memories made
T icking time bomb,
H orror on his face,
Q ueen of all eathquakes,
U nder my feet,
A never ending fear,
K err wet himself,
E verywhere
S oiled himself!
Miranda captures the unyielding ambition of the young Hamilton, desperate to achieve greatness in spite of his humble origins
One of the central themes of "The Necklace" is that of appearance vs. reality. For Mathilde, the necklace symbolizes wealth, beauty, and, ultimately, shame, as she loses the necklace and goes into debt to replace it. The great irony of the story is that the necklace was a fake. Mathilde spends ten years in debt, effectively ruining her life over nothing.
The last words of the first and third lines rhyme, and so do the last words of the second and fourth lines, making the rhyme scheme abab. The fifth and sixth lines do not rhyme, so the rhyme scheme for them is cd.
Thus, if the first line is identified as “a” in the rhyme scheme, the remaining lines should be identified as "babcd".