Conditional statement, hypothesis, and conclusion
Another name for an if-then statement is a conditional statement. Every conditional has two parts. The part following if is the hypothesis and the part following then is the conclusion.
A conditional statement is a statement that is usually in the “if-then” form. It is used to express unreal or possible situations. Conditional statements are made up of two parts; the part that follows if (hypothesis or conditional part), and the part that follows then (the main part or conclusion). When writing a conditional statement, the order of arrangement of the two parts is not important but a comma should be used to separate them.
it has changed it because we would all be not smart without it.
Example: Did you know that donating blood is actually good for your health? It is true! When you donate blood, your iron remains maintained at a healthy level. Reduction of iron in your body can lead to cancer, and no one wants that! Plus, donating blood reduces the risks of heart and/or liver ailments.
The answer is B, riches filled the empire.