i've watched number one but i havent really watched #2
To show the sofa syllable what needs to be used?
Pitch names are letter names derived from the first seven letters of the English Alphabet. The so-fa names are so-fa syllable written as do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, Do. These so-fa names are arranged in ascending or descending order.
I hope this helps
That would be Michelangelo (full name <span><em>Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni</em>). He painted the Sistine Chapel for roughly four years (1508 - 1512) when he was invited back to Rome by Pope Julius II to build the Pope's Tomb. The St. Peter's Basilica was something he succeeded from <em>Antonio da Sangallo the Younger</em> as an architect. He changed the design so that the western end finished with his design, as with the dome.</span>
Kabuki is a Japanese mask; often, one may see a "kabuki mask" as a tatto style, but it was originally a dance! <span />