One of the threadlike processes forming the respiratory surface of a gill.
Answer:Mutations are irreversible and are passed on to the daughter cells during mitosis. Certain genes are involved in the maintenance of normal cell growth patterns
The advise I will offer the next scientist about how the laboratorycan beimproved include the following
Calibration of instruments: Instruments which are used in the laboratory should be calibrated so as to reduce errors and inaccuracy during experiments.
Proper labeling of Samples : This helps to give the scientists an idea of where to find samples and to prevent making mistakes in picking the wrong one. This helps to save time and resources in the lab.
Adequate cleaning and waste disposal: Cleaning of the lab and disposal of the wastes helps to eliminate contamination of samples.
The sugar alcohols are the carbohydrates which are neither considered sugars nor alcohols but they partially resemble the structure of both of these sugars and alcohol.
The sugar alcohols are naturally present in the vegetables and fruits but they are also artificially synthesised like xylitol, lactitol, mannitol and others.
They are considered the alternative from of sugar but they provide less energy as compared to carbohydrates like they provide about 0-3 kcal per gram whereas sugar provides 4 kcal per gram.
This difference is due to the reason that they are not completely absorbed by the human body and also they are incompletely metabolized therefore provide less energy.
Thus, Option-C is the correct answer.
<h2>Scurvy </h2>
(a) Collagen is the major structural component of cartilage,bones and tendons
- The basic unit of collagen is tropocollagen and each tropocollagen consists of three coiled left handed polypeptide chains called α chains
- Generally each α chain consists of a repeating tripeptide sequence called: G-X-Y
- Here G represents glycine; X represents proline and Y represents hydroxyproline
- Rigidity of collagen molecule is due to presence of proline and hydroxyproline
- Hydroxylation of proline is catalysed by prolyl hydroxylase enzyme which use ascorbate,α ketoglutarate and oxygen
- α ketoglutarate is oxidatively decarboxylated to form carbon dioxide and succinate
- Sequence of events leading from a dietary vitamin C deficiency to symptoms such as bruising and breakdown of supporting tissues includes: tissue levels of ascorbic acid is low; enzyme prolyl hydroxylase is inactive; proline is not hydroxylated; the triple helix is inadequately stabilized; collagen breaks down; defects in tissues that depend on collagen
; tissues that depend on collagen are subject to breakdown and bruising
(b) Sailors are no longer susceptible to scurvy because fresh fruits which are the source of vitamin C source are available now
British sailors called "limeys" to this day,this term reflects the British navy's use of limes