A signature. You should include a signature to show who the letter is from.
In early Roman religion, Libera was the female equivalent of Liber (freedom). She was originally an Italic goddess; at some time during Rome's Regal or very early Republican eras, she was paired with Liber, also known as Liber Pater (The Free Father), Roman god of wine, male fertility, and a guardian of plebeian freedoms.[2] She enters Roman history as part of a Triadic cult alongside Ceres and Liber, in a temple established on the Aventine Hill around 493 BCE. The location and context of this early cult mark her association with Rome's commoner-citizens, or plebs; she might have been offered cult on March 17 as part of Liber's festival, Liberalia, or at some time during the seven days of Cerealia (mid- to late April); in the latter festival, she would have been subordinate to Ceres. Otherwise, her relationship to her Aventine cult partners is uncertain; she has no known native mythology.
Libera was officially identified with Proserpina in 205 BCE, when she acquired a Romanised form of the Greek mystery rites and their attendant mythology. In the late Republican era, Cicero described Liber and Libera as Ceres' children. At around the same time, possibly in the context of popular or religious drama, Hyginus equated her with Greek Ariadne, as bride to Liber's Greek equivalent, Dionysus.[3] The older and newer forms of her cult and rites, and their diverse associations, persisted well into the late Imperial era. St. Augustine (AD 354 – 430) observed that Libera is concerned with female fertility, as Liber is with male fertility.[4]
Answer:Volcanoes are natural phenomena which are on the Earth’s surface through which molten rock and gases escape from below the surface
Explanation:These volcanoes are very interesting to observe and to study because of their amazing occurrences and majestic lava eruptions. Volcanoes have been studied ever since the beginning of mankind and the word “volcano” is thought to be derived from Vulcano, a volcanic island in the Aeolian Islands of Italy whose name in turn originates from Vulcan, the name of a god of fire in Roman mythology. Consisting of several types, volcanoes can extrude several forms of magma and can also release multiple gases. These extruded materials can affect the Earth’s structure and atmosphere.
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Last but not least, composite volcanoes also make up some of the earth’s surface. Composite volcanoes have a conical shape, with a steep summit area and gradually sloping flanks, and are nearly symmetrical in structure (Tarbuck, 141). These volcanoes release silica-rich and gaseous magma that is highly viscous and travels very short distances. These three types of volcanoes that occupy the earth have seemingly different physical characteristics and behavioral changes.
A volcanic eruption is one of the most dangerous and eventful natural disasters that can take place. During these eruptions, several factors are taken into account. Each type of volcano discussed above has a different form of lava: one’s might be highly fluid and the other might be very viscous. Lava can take many shapes as it is extruded from a volcano. One such form is that of pahoehoe. Usually common on the Hawaiian volcanoes, pahoehoe is a form of lava which is smooth and ropy and causes by the congealment of lava as it is released from the volcano
D. The question sums up her argument
I say this because she has already listed all of her statements so it can’t be A. It isn’t B. Because all of those things were already stated it can’t be C. Because all of those points ride the same wave as her original points.