The stomata of leaves are surrounded by guard cells. The guard cells help the leaves to regulate the rate of transpiration of water from the leaves by opening and closing the stomata. When water enter the guard cells, they swell and bulge and this makes the stomata to open. So, with high water pressure, the guard cells will stimulate the stomata to open. The reverse will be the case if the water pressure is low.
Speciation is the adaptive divergence and gradual that leads to two different species.
Reproductive isolation results in speciation when the processes of evolutionary mechanisms, physiological and behaviours are collected.
Mechanism of reproductive isolation helps in preventing members of different species from producing offsprings. A zoologist is a classified way of reproductive isolation whereby it(zoologist) is classified to the mechanism of reproductive isolation into two categories
(i) Pre-zygotic. This one acts before fertilization or before mating when it comes to animals.
(ii) Post-zygotic. It acts after fertilization.
The mechanisms appear I species which are genetically controlled and whose geographic distribution overlaps or are separated.
Hunger,Feeling nervous,Heavy sweating,Weakness,Shaking (tremors),Confusion, Seizures, Coma