The dowry as a legal institution represents a protection of the parents towards the daughter, as a right that granted although it consists of goods that affect him delivered to help in the marital charges, but it really was a family legacy; in the understanding that it was the money, the properties or the goods that the father granted to his female daughters, the patrimony that corresponds to the woman and is an indispensable requirement so that he can contract the marriage, with the purpose that the woman assures the welfare of his widowhood, also as a possible vehicle for the transmission of wealth to his new kinship nuclei.
In a context when talking about giving means to provide a portion of the family wealth that another woman was not allowed to obtain her inheritance, a way of guardianship, at a time belonging to the father of the bride who when delivering it in marriage passed a portion of the family assets to the new family to which the women who took the married life were incorporated.
1. I expected the play to end with some philosophical or moral message, as it actually ended, as it shows that alienation, paranoia and panic make people easy targets to manipulate.
2. I thought that there were no aliens when at the beginning of the play, where the neighborhood was affected by factors that can happen normally, such as the drop in electricity supply, the existence of introverted people and problems with cars and phones.
3. I believed that aliens existed when the shadow that took over the city appeared and when the aliens did appear.
"The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" tells the story of a city that had several problems with electricity supply and telephone and television signals, after a giant shadow overtook the city and a very strong flash was seen by all. Cars also began to malfunction, leaving all residents concerned. The townspeople started to think that this was caused by aliens and started to distrust each other, thinking that the neighbors were beings from another planet. This caused great hysteria and paranoia in everyone, driving the city into complete chaos. In the end we learned that the shadow and the malfunction of things were being caused by aliens themselves, who were trying to discover how panic and paranoia allowed human beings to be manipulated.
<span>"In order to shake a hypothesis, it is sometimes not necessary to do anything more than push it as far as it will go." - Diderot
What Diderot means by the phrase "shake a hypothesis" is B. prove it is flawed or wrong. </span>