Meaning: "Reeling" refers to the dizzy, staggering quality of a person's walk when they are drunk. "Pickled" is a slang term for drunkenness which is derived from the idea of being soaked in a liquid - in this case, alcohol.
1: Reading because it helps you remember the key subjects as in nouns adjectives and more. Also because when you see a more complicated word you can always look around the word to see what it means and use it in your studies!
2. To concentrate on what your English teacher is saying so you will get better grades.
Trust thyself by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
He refers that at the end the integrity of your own mind is the most sacred thing, he tries to incentive us to learn how to detect and watch the light of flashes and ideas across your mind and within it.
Emerson also teach us that In a very detailed work the thoughts come to our minds in a very detailed and alineated form. This means that the human mind is very powerful and in his own words he said that the man doesn't know what he is capable to do until he has tried it.