DNS poisoning
This type of attack is known as DNS poisoning it is a very common attack that focuses on trying to redirect users of the site that has been attacked towards fake servers. These fake servers belong to the attackers and are used to collect the user's private data, which can then be used by the attackers for a wide range of malicious acts. Aside from stealing user information, this malicious data travels alongside regular user data allowing it to infect various servers easily.
On your desktop, hover over the message you'd like to share and click the Share message icon on the right. Use the drop-down menu to choose where you'd like to share the message, and add a note if you'd like. Click Share to see the message expand.
speed = float(input("Enter the speed: "))
hours = int(input("Enter the hours: "))
distance = 0
for i in range(hours):
distance += speed * 1
print("The distance after " + str(i+1) + ". hour(s): " + str(distance))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the speed and the hours
Initialize the distance as 0
Create a for loop that iterates hours times. Inside the loop, calculate the cumulative distance traveled at the end of each hour and print it (Note that the distance = speed x hour)
Noise usually means static.