The process which occurs in the structures that are labeled X is Kreb's cycle.
It has to do with releasing stored energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This is an extremely important part of metabolism and was first introduced by Hans Adolf Krebs in 1937.
In the purest sense, no you cannot live without water. Your body is made up of an estimated sixty percent water and it is vital for life functions. You can live for approximately three to four days without water. However, when you are asking if you can subsist on anything else, many things that you might choose do in fact contain water. Other drinks, even sodas have water content, as do many fruits and vegetables. It is possible to get enough hydration from sources other than pure water, but not to survive without it entirely.
In S phase, the cell synthesizes a complete copy of the DNA in its nucleus. It also duplicates a microtubule-organizing structure called the centrosome.
The species that is described is a parasitic species. The reason why it will fall into this category is that its key feature is that it is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food. This type of species are not able to produce food for themselves, nor are able to get it from the environment, which is way they have evolved in a manner to use the other organisms. They find a host organisms, attach to it, and then they are extracting the nutrients out of that organism, thus classical parasitism. The extraction of the nutrients can be so severe that the parasitic species can actually kill systemically its host.
There is a need to transform the accumulation of acetyl-CoA into the ketone bodies, as one knows that acetyl-CoA is both labile and possess an enormous amount of energy. Hence, acetyl-CoA due to its unstable characteristic is not ideal for circulation within the tissues, and at the same time, the compound acetyl-CoA does not possess the tendency to pass through the cell membrane.
Due to these reasons, the conversion of acetyl-CoA into the ketone bodies is done, the ketone bodies also act as an alternative source of energy. The ketone bodies work as water-soluble correspondents of fatty acids. The production of ketone bodies generally takes place within the liver cells' mitochondrial matrix. The three forms of ketone bodies are beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and acetone.
The production of ketone bodies by the liver cells helps the cells of the brain at the time of starvation, as the brain cannot use fatty acids as an energy source, as the fatty acids cannot pass through the blood-brain barrier.