I believe CODIS still exist because if there is anything new about DNA in a laboratory, it will go straight to CODIS>
Most of the fungal species reproduce through spores. Spores are the reproductive structures of fungi that help in the survival of fungal species under unfavorable conditions and their dispersal to new habitats. Fungal spores are very light in weight and are dispersed with wind currents.
For example, ascospores are the sexual spores produced by fungal species of the group ascomycetes and are carried with the wind.
Which of the following bacteria lack a cell wall and are therefore resistant to penicillin?
B. Mycoplasmas
The protein from which hook and filaments of flagella are composed of, is
B. flagellin
A cluster of polar flagella is called
A. lophotrichous
The cooci which mostly occur in single or pairs are
B. Diplococci
Flagella move the cell by
C. spinning like a propeller
Evolution maybe?
Hope this helped
Answer: d. on the plasma membrane
Explanation: Prokaryotic cells also synthesis ATP the limitations is that enzymes required for the synthesis of ATP are attached to the cell membrane which surrounds the cell. ATP synthesis complex of prokaryotic cells are embedded in the cell membrane. Prokaryotes lack mitochondrial/thylakoid membrane so therefore, ATP is produced on their cell surface membrane.