People had started growing plants and cattle-herding when they grow tired of moving from one place to another. Hunters and gatherers are nomads. They tend to move when they think that the resources are scarce in their location.They believed that if they could grow these foods instead, they would be able to feed their families and community.
- AFL matches with goals 3.
- NLU matches with goal 1.
- Knights of Labor matches goal 2.
- Trade Unions matches with goal 4.
AFL tried to better the bargaining possition of workers with employers and getting the work conditions more human.
NLU tried to limit the work day until 8 hours as maximum.
Knights of Labor matches with goal 2 because it admitted experts or unskilled workers in its national union.
Trade Unions matches with goal 4 because they tried to get better work environments for employees not only fighting by it selves, but also associating with other organizations so as to increase their popularity and power.
What was the goal of the Selma March? - To get voting rights legislation passed
with a resource such as grain that was very common in egypt, trading it for resources not as common opens doors for bigger trading and more market. Wood became widely available and grain became available to others who traded in wood for it.