The long run is best defined as a time period
- during which all inputs can be varied.
One thing that distinguishes the short run and the long run is
- the existence of at least one fixed input.
On the long run, all productive inputs can be changed and/or altered. that includes fixed costs like equipment and machinery, building facilities, processes, wages, etc.
On the short run, at least one of the inputs used to produce our goods or services cannot be changed, e.g. wages tend to be sticky, fixed costs (depreciation of equipment and machinery, buildings, etc.)
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If your a busy small business owner, taking time away from your store makes you less efficient. The trade offs for using this premium service are 1. your spending more money 2. control over quality. Vise versa if your paying more for the “best groceries” then that may not be an issue. Also be aware that another issue is stocking, going to the store yourself does not guarantee that the store will have all items in stock when you go. 3. Time, taking time to grocery shop takes away from your business or the cost of an employee to watch the business or do the shopping for you having you rely on a third party’s judgment. 4. Gas, the cost of gasoline to go to and from the store. If all these are added up then you are essentially paying more for your “in person” groceries as it is. Choosing to grocery shop yourself saves you money (although how much? Once everything is taken into account?) but again the time it takes away is significant. For a busy small business owner time is extremely important and this is why the trade off of cost or added expenses for groceries may be worth it. (I hope this helps guide you in answering this question).
C. the greater is the marginal productivity of labor relative to that of capital
An isoquant is a curve that shows all the combinations of inputs that yield the same level of output.
When adding one factor holding the other factor constant inevitably, leads to lower output levels, the isoquant must become steeper, as more capital is added instead of labour, and flatter when labour is added instead of capital. Returns to capital even decline.