Bar and lexical.
Bar and lexical are the name of two different types of scales that are found on maps. Bar scales are used more frequently in the maps because they represent or show the distance ratio visually instead of in words, while on the other hand, lexical scales may be expressed in words, as a ratio, or as a fraction. Examples are 1:10,000 or 1/10,000. Using map scales is very important in the real world if you want to find out the distance you are traveling.
Ribose, phosphate groups, and adenine.
maybe something like:
1. what caused their extinction primarily
2. why could they not survive through the situation they were in
3. how do we know what specific event occurred using only the resources we have today
I hope this gave you a bit of insight :))!
Topoisomerase is an enzyme that is involved in the unwinding of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). They are involved in double stranded DNA and they help to relieve the making of supercoils.
Topoisomerase play an important role during DNA replication, as the prevent the the twisting of the DNA double helix ahead of the replication fork. In other words, they ensure that the DNA open up for unwinding without being tightly wound.