As an emancipated slave I will be hopeful for the following changes:
1. Fair and equal treatment
2. Ability to work
3. Same opportunities like everyone else.
1. As an emancipated slave in the South at the end of the Civil War, I would be hopeful that I will have a chance to be treated fairly among my neighbors and others. Even though I might be different, it is not something I can change, I would hope that everyone would treat me with the same amount of respect as everyone else.
2. I would hope to have the ability to work among other people regardless of race since I'm free and no longer a slave.
3. Lastly I would be hopeful that I will be open to the same opportunities as everyone else.
The correct option is: "OPPRESSIVE"
Friedrich Engels was a philosopher, sociologist, journalist, revolutionary and German socialist theoretician. Engels was the son of the owner of a major textile factory in Manchester, England. Friend and collaborator of Karl Marx, was coauthor with this works like The situation of the working class in England (1845) and the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), fundamental for the birth of Marxism and the socialist, communist and union. He was political leader of the First International (1864) and the Second International (1889). He also helped Marx financially to publish Capital in 1867, and after his death, he edited the second and third volumes. In addition, Engels organized the notes of Marx to compose Theories on surplus value, which he later published as "fourth volume" of Capital.
"D. Congress" This was the correct answer for me so I hope this helps you!
Ottoman Empire
they lost over 2 million civs
I would say the last one because it authorized the president to take measures to promote peace and security in Asia