El límite entre dos cuencas se denomina como una separación de drenaje o límite de cuenca hidrográfica. Componentes de vertiente de drenaje.
The main reason airplanes fly in the stratosphere is because this is where the least amount of turbulence is found. In addition, because the stratosphere is very dry, there are fewer clouds in this layer, making for a much smoother ride overall.
I would say B. Ever hear the phrase, "warm air rises"?
Layers of the soil are called horizons. Here are the horizons:
- Humus
- Topsoil
- Subsoil
- Fragmented rock
- Bedrock
Once a soil has developed, it forms layers called horizons. Beneath a surface layer of a plant remains, the topsoil is rich in decomposed plants and animal matter. The subsoil is mainly mineral particles, with much less organic material. The fragmented rock/bedrock is primarily small stones, and beneath it lies all bedrock.
Hope this answer helps you!
1) We lived int he 1720s. We are a hunting and gathering tribe.
2) We lived in near mountain terrain and near forests. Its dry and rocky. And cold in winter and hot in summer.
3) men women and children. Awe have 24,890 women, 56,789 men And 13,896 children. We wore animal skin.
4) we are nomadic. We gather and hunt. Both. Berries, rabbits, and deer.
5) we slept in tents. We cooked outside. We bathed in rivers and lakes.
6) it does not have a name
7) we gaint he animals trust and train them to help us hunt and sniff for berry bushes. We feed the animals berries and meat.
8) Our tribe uses bows and arrows, spears, and axes for hunting. We use our hands and rocks for harvesting and digging.
9) There are times we are hungry in the winter mostly.
10) no