The reflexive documentary mode focuses on the relationship between the filmmaker and the audience. While expository documentaries set up a specific point of view or argument about a subject and a narrator often speaks directly to the viewer.
A) Array of buttons for<u> quick access </u>to commonly used <u>commands and tools</u>: Tool bar
That's what most people will use most of the time, to quickly perform the most common tasks.
B) <u>List of commands</u> to create, format and edit presentations: Menu Bar.
When the features listed in the tool bar aren't enough, we go to the Menu system, which lists all the features of the program.
C) <u>Provides info</u> about current slide<u> at the bottom</u> of the slide: Status Bar.
The status bar is always located at the <u>bottom of the screen</u>.
D) <u>Provides navigation</u> through the slides: Scroll bar.
Where you can scroll down and up your slides.
The Pop Color tool can be used to select one particular color, changing the rest of the image to black and white. The effects available in Photoshop Express don't allow for a huge amount of customization
Begin the statement with the proper keyword to start the loop
The code segment
Fix the code
The first line of the code segment is meant to be a for loop, but it does follow the right syntax.
This is so because the for keyword is missing.
The first line should be corrected and replaced with:
for count in range(80):
Hence, option (b) is correct
A <u>Virtual hard disk</u> is a specially formatted file that, once mounted, or connected to a virtual machine appear and operate pretty much identically to a physical hard drive.
<h3>What is a virtual hard disk?</h3>
A virtual hard disk (VHD) is a disk picture file format for storing the entire ranges of a computer's hard drive.
The disk image, sometimes called a virtual machine (VM), duplicates an existing hard drive, including all data and structural elements.
<h3>Why would you count a virtual hard disk?</h3>
Typically, a VHD comes in handy to add additional storage to a Hyper-V virtual machine, and thanks to its capacity to support other OS installations, you can even use this storage virtualization technology to make a dual-boot system without modifying an existing partition.
To learn more about virtual hard disk , refer